NHS Digital has issued a DATA Provision Notice for planning and research.
This means we are required to share your information with them unless you tell us not to.
To opt out https://nhs-prod.global.ssl.fastly.net/binaries/content/assets/website-assets/data-and-information/data-collections/general-practice-data-for-planning-and-research/type-1-opt-out-form.docx. and return to the practice or by email to swlccg.ecmcadministration@nhs.net. Please note that anyone aged 13 or over must complete and sign their own form.
For more information on how and why general practice shares your data with NHS Digital for planning and research, and for more information about the difference between type 1 opt out and National Opt out, please visit https://digital.nhs.uk/services/national-data-opt-out.